
Showing posts from August, 2017

What is SBI visa paywave debit card?

SBI = State Bank of India, India’s largest provider of Banking and Financial Services both in terms of footprint and market share. VISA = VISA is a financial services company that operates in multiple countries. It is a card scheme essentially it acts a middlemen that allows financial transactions to happen and for your card to work on any payment gateway or point of sale terminal. It also manages any disputes that may happen as a result of fraudulent financial transactions. Paywave = This is Visa’s name for Near Field Communication or Contactless Cards. These cards do not need to be swiped or inserted like traditional cards and can be just tapped akin to a metro card. You do not need to enter a PIN for upto Rs. 2000. The benefit of this is transactions as quick as tapping your metro card and entering the station. Debit Card = Debit Cards are cards that debit your primary account with the Bank. Often called ATM cards (though they need not be). Unlike credit cards, you can ha...

How to Activate International Transaction on SBI Visa Debit card ?

Each and everyday people are stooping towards online buying and selling. In order to do so people need to have either a debit or credit card. After launching Jan Dhan Yojana it will be very hard to find a family which does not have a bank account with debit card. Getting a credit card is not easy for everyone so most people chose to have a international debit card instead of credit card. Hope you know the basic difference between debit card and credit card. SBI which is a leading bank in India offer both debit and credit card. It is seen that SBI gives most people international debit card. With the global reach people now try to buy from international sites like Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more Google Alibaba Itunes etc. but when Indian people having SBI debit card try to buy something from such international sites their payments are not accepted. When that happen they thought getting a SBI international debit card is nothing but a wa...

How many posts in BlogSpot are required to activate AdSense in a website?

There is no specific answer to this question. As Google AdSense don't provide any right details about how many number of post have in a website so it'll get approved by them. Try to write some really thoughtful, genuine posts and you can pick a topic that is unanswered. There are lots of topic which is not available on Internet. Make your website or blog unique, if you want to get into AdSense quickly. You have to focus on something unique. AdSense is highly unlikely to accept a blogspot that writes about SEO, marketing, or affiliate program, because there are already millions of blogspots that write about this, it is not “useful” to add another one into its network. If you want to get into AdSense quickly, pick a topic that is underserved, write some really thoughtful, genuine posts, and try applying. Also Creating an important pages are required to get approved, google adsense will never accept site with no (contact page,about use page and privacy and policy page). ...

How to implement LDA in Spark and get the topic distributions of new documents ?

```scala  import org.apache.spark.rdd._ import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.{LDA, DistributedLDAModel, LocalLDAModel} import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vector, Vectors} import scala.collection.mutable //create training document set val input = Seq("this is a document","this could be another document","these are training, not tests", "here is the final file (document)") val corpus: RDD[Array[String]] = sc.parallelize({    doc => doc.split("\\s") }) val termCounts: Array[(String, Long)] = corpus.flatMap( -> 1L)).reduceByKey(_ + _).collect().sortBy(-_._2) val vocabArray: Array[String] = termCounts.takeRight(termCounts.size).map(_._1) val vocab: Map[String, Int] = vocabArray.zipWithIndex.toMap // Convert training documents into term count vectors val documents: RDD[(Long, Vector)] = { case (tokens, id) =>         val counts = new mutable...

How To Implement New Maps - Custom Positions

Code: var[0].SetNumber(ginfo.gameServerId);         var[1].SetString(;         var[2].SetString("GAMEWORLD");         switch (ginfo.mapId)         {         case GBGameInfo::MAPID_WZ_Colorado:             var[3].SetString("COLORADO");             break;         case GBGameInfo::MAPID_WZ_Cliffside:             var[3].SetString("CLIFFSIDE");             break;         default:             var[3].SetString("DEVMAP");             break;         } Main_Network.cpp Code:     switch(gClientLogic().m_gameInfo.mapId)      {     default:          ...

Example of how to implement a templated linked list in C++

// Example of how to implement a templated linked list #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Cat { public: Cat(string name = "unnamed", int age = 0): name(name), age(age) { } const string name; int age; friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Cat* cat) { os << "Cat: { name: "<< cat->name << ", age: " << cat->age << " }"; return os; } }; template<class T> class LinkedList { private: class Node { friend class LinkedList; T data; Node* next; Node(T data, Node* next = NULL): data(data), next(next) { } }; Node* head; public: LinkedList(): head(NULL) { } ~LinkedList() { Node* currentNode = head; Node* nextNode = NULL; while (currentNode != NULL) { nextNode = currentNode->next; delete currentNode; currentNode = nextNode; } } void append(T ...

How To Create A Simple Hough Transform Matrix

A = [0 0 0 0 15; 0 0 0 15 0; 0 0 15 0 0; 0 15 0 0 0; 15 0 0 0 0]; [m,n] = size(A); rhoValues = zeros(m,n); thetaValues = zeros(m,n); diagonalDist = floor(sqrt(m^2 + n^2)); thetaMax = 90; rhoRange = -diagonalDist:diagonalDist; thetaRange = -thetaMax:thetaMax; %Matrix Hough houghMatrix = zeros(length(rhoRange), length(thetaRange)); for i = 1:m     for j = 1:n         if (A(i,j) ~= 0)             x = m - 1;             y = n - 1;             for theta = thetaRange                 rhoValues = round((x*cosd(theta)) + (y*sind(theta)));                 rhoIndex = rhoValues + diagonalDist + 1;                 thetaIndex = theta + thetaMax + 1;                 houghMatrix(rh...

How To Generate stack of 2D images with Interface [+]

Generate stack of 2D images with Interface [+] [MatLab] close all; clear all; clc; %User Welcoming h1 = 'Hi, TBL Member!'; p1 = 'Choose your input images folder'; choice1 = questdlg({h1 p1},'TBL_Wrinkle','Sure','Cancel','Sure'); switch choice1     case 'Sure'         disp([choice1 ' coming right up.'])         inputFolderDir = uigetdir;         charAdd = '\';         sourceDir = strcat(inputFolderDir,charAdd);         imgInfo = PrepareInfo(sourceDir);         imgNumber = imgInfo.N;         imgWidth = imgInfo.W;         numPixels = zeros(imgNumber);     case 'Cancel'         return end p2 = 'Now choose your output images folder'; choice2 = questdlg(p2,'TBL_Wrinkle','Sure','Cancel','Sure'); switch choice2     case 'Sure'   ...

How To Implement Naive Bayes From Scratch in Python ?

#How To Implement Naive Bayes From Scratch in Python # #Dataset # import csv import math import random #Handle data def loadCsv(filename): lines = csv.reader(open(filename, "r")) dataset = list(lines) for i in range(len(dataset)): dataset[i] = [float(x) for x in dataset[i]] return dataset #Test handling data """  filename = '' SomeDataset = loadCsv(filename) print("Loaded data file {0:s} with {1:5d} rows".format(filename,len(SomeDataset))) """ #Split dataset with ratio def splitDataset(dataset, splitRatio): trainSize = int(len(dataset) * splitRatio) trainSet = [] copy = list(dataset) while len(trainSet) < trainSize: index = random.randrange(len(cop...

How much you will earn if 1000 visitors visits your AdSense monetized website?

The amount of money you earn through 1000 visits depend upon many conditions. First one, is where the visitors are coming. If they are from countries like US, UK, UAE then you'll have chances of earn more money than the rest of the countries or other geographical locations. Second one, is what your website is about. There are few high paying keyword. If you are playing with high paying keywords then are more chances you getting higher revenue. Now coming to the point, there isn't any data out there which tell you about how much you'll earn through 1K visits on your website. So don't worry about earning. Keep the good work going and then money automatically comes around you.

How to approved your Adsense account if you're underage?

When I started blogging with Blogspot, I'm 15 year old. Then later I know how to monetize my blog with Google AdSense. But there are lots and lots of Google terms and conditions there. One of them is, you should be 18 year of age to create a AdSense account . Now, What should I do ? Simple  create the account in the name of your father, mother or your elder brother. Or anyone you can trust, ofcourse your friends. So don't worry about setting up your AdSense account with someone else name. Google don't care. 

Why is your Adsense account still waiting approval?

For some publishers the activation process can be as quick as a day, and for others it can take several weeks. Important points to help get your account activated: Copy the code exactly as it appears on your AdSense homepage. Place the code on the URL that you provided when you created your AdSense account. Make sure that you place the code on a page that has content and receives regular visitors.  Google AdSense team automatically review your entire site (not just the URL that you provided when you created your AdSense account) to check it complies with their policies and set up the rest of your account. It typically takes google adsense specialists less than a day to complete the review but sometimes it can take longer. When they've completed the review, they'll send you an email with details on your activation status. Once your AdSense account is fully activated, you're ready to set up ads on your site and start earning money. Learn how to set up ad...

7 Best Video Editing Software

The demand of video editing software rises after YouTube get too many visitors and became a website for daily use like Google search engine. There are many people making their own channel and publish amazing videos. YouTube is best video streaming website available on Internet today. So, if you have thought about creating your own channel on YouTube you have to know about the best and top 7 video editing software available to create professional, eye-catching videos. 1. Camtasia What you see is what you get. Camtasia's video editor has everything you need to make amazing videos . Add effects, music, and more. Camtasia® - Official Site - Download the All New Camtasia‎ 2. ScreenFlow Telestream ScreenFlow® is award-winning, powerful video editing and screen recording software for Mac. 3. Adobe Premiere Pro Go from blank page to brilliant. Adobe Premiere Pro is part of Creative Cloud, which means you can access and share all your creative assets — in...